The Gravio HubKits can trigger Actions. You can think of an Action like a small and simple computer program, that’s made up of Steps. Actions can be created in the Action Editor which can be opened by clicking on the Action Editor icon:
You can find these icons in various places, including the HubKit overview, the Devices view and on macOS also in the trigger view for example.
If you click on these, you will see the overview of available actions of this HubKit:
At the bottom, you can choose between HubKit, which are the actions installed on that HubKit, or the Local Folder, which are actions that you can edit on your local computer to be deployed or used in other HubKits. Note that local actions will run on the HubKit you are currently connected to, without them being deployed on the HubKit.
Click the plus sign at the top right to create a new action. A name field will pop up where you can give it a name. Note, action files can be shared and they have the .acs
suffix. We recommend giving the action the name of the expected outcome (rather than what triggers the action), so you know always know what it is supposed to be doing.
Once created, the actions will appear in the Action Overview and now they can be triggered from the Triggers:
Double-Click the action to edit it.
Each Action also has 2 buttons on it:
- One button is to export the action to a file, ready to be uploaded to Github or shared with somebody
- The other button is to lock the action so it can’t be edited accidentally.
The button at the top allows you to import action files with the .acs
This will open the local browser file where you can select your .acs
Local Folder
The Local Folder tab allows you to set a local folder where you can create your own local actions without having to deploy them to the Gravio HubKit. The first time you open the local folder, you need to set the location of the folder. Choose a folder where you will be keeping your Gravio Actions.
Once you’ve chosen your folder, you will see this view, and clicking the + symbol on the top right will create a local action:
Double-click on the action file in order to edit the action locally.
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