Open the Configuration Manager using a browser. You will reach the Configuration Manager by entering the URL http://<IP of your HubKit>:8080 . Note, if you are connecting to your HubKit via the Access Point Mode, the address will be http://192.1601.100.1:8080

Or, in the browser, enter “.local:8080” configured in the previous chapter.

After logging in, the Gravio Hub Settings screen will open, and open the Gravio Settings menu.

Note, the coordinator menu will not appear on HubKit Windows/Mac.

Gravio HubKit / Gravio Coordinator Status

You can check the status of HubKit and Coordinator services.

Use the toggle to start/stop HubKit and Coordinator services respectively.

Software Updates

You can update the software of the coordinator and HubKit over the internet.

Select the version of the HubKit and Coordinator software to be updated and press the “Install” button. When the installation is complete, click the “Reboot” button.

You can also update the Zigbee firmware. Select the firmware to be updated with and press the “Install” button. Once the installation is complete, you can use the device as is.

Changing the Coordinator’s Certificate

The coordinator has a standard self-certificate installed, but you can change it to a certificate for your own domain.

Prepare the key file and the certificate file in advance.

Upload the key file and certificate file to the SSL certificate with “Use SSL” turned on in the certificate settings.

When the upload is complete, the certificate will be renewed.

Manage Gravio Studio Connections Using Client Certificates

Gravio communicates securely between Gravio Studio, the HubKits and the Coordinator using certificates. To set up a client certificate for Gravio Studio to connect to HubKit.

Prepare the certificate files in advance, and upload them here.

Proxy Settings

Set these credentials if HubKit needs to go through a proxy server when using Internet services.

Click the “Edit” button to display the configuration screen. Enter the account information (proxy URL, account, and password) for the proxy server to be used for HTTPS and HTTP protocols, respectively.

Note that HubKit must be stopped during this update.

HubKit / Coordinator Data Backup

HubKit / Coordinator data can be backed up to a local PC and restored.

To backup HubKit / Coordinator data, press the Backup button. After a few moments, the backup will be completed and you can download the backup file to your local PC by pressing the “Export” button.

To restore the backed-up data, press the “Select File” button in the Import File section and select the file. After a few moments of pressing the Import button, the file will be uploaded and processed.


  1. Please ensure that the file you are importing was previously backed up by the Gravio Configuration Manager.
  2. Please ensure that the Zigbee firmware version of the Gravio Hub is the same for the backup source and the restore destination.

Gravio HubKit Support Log

You can download the HubKit and syslog log files in a zip file.

Press the “Export” button to download the log files.

Gravio Hub Power Management

You can power off the Gravio Hub here.

Press the “Power Off” button to turn off the Gravio Hub.
Pressing the “Reboot” button will reboot the Gravio Hub.
Pressing the “Initialize” button will return the Gravio Hub to its factory settings and delete all configuration information and data. Please use this function carefully.

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