The following functions are available.

Function Name Arguments Description Example
Now Now([timezone]) Returns the date and time type for the current date and time.
Year Year(t[, timezone]) Returns the year of date and time type t. If timezone is specified, it is interpreted as the time zone.
Month Month(t[, timezone]) Returns the month of date and time type t. If timezone is specified, it is interpreted as the time zone.
Day Day(t[, timezone]) Returns a day of type t. If timezone is specified, it is interpreted as the time zone.
Hour Hour(t[, timezone]) Return the time of date and time type t. If timezone is specified, it is interpreted as the time zone.
Minute Minute(t[, timezone]) Return the minutes of date and time type t. If timezone is specified, it is interpreted as the time zone.
Second Second(t[, timezone]) Return seconds of date and time type t. If timezone is specified, it is interpreted as the time zone.
Weekday Weekday(t[, timezone]) Return the day of the week for date and time type t. If timezone is specified, it is interpreted as the time zone. (0 is Sunday.)
ToLocal ToLocal(t) Convert date and time type t to system time zone
ToUTC ToUTC(t) Convert date and time type t to UTC
ToTimezone ToTimezone(t, timezone) Converts a date and time type t to a specified time zone ToTimezone(Now(), "America/New_York")
DateFormat DateFormat(t, layout) Convert a date and time type t to a string with the specified layout. The key date that you can rearrange as you desire is 2006-01-02 15:04:05.999 MST with 01 representing the month, 02 representing the day, 15 representing the hours, 04 representing the minutes 05 representing the seconds, 2006 representing the year in four digits and 999 representing the microseconds. MST is the timezone (Mountain Standard Time). This is based on the GoLang date formatting standard, which you can look up here . Example to output the format Day Month Year Hour:Minute Timezone DateFormat(Now(), "02 Jan 06 15:04 MST")
DateParse DateParse(layout, s[, timezone]) Interprets s along the layout and returns a date/time type
ToInt ToInt(timestamp) Turn the timestamp into a unix timestamp ToInt(cv.Payload.Timestamp)

Example usage of the Now function:

Gravio uses GoLang Date formatting. More details can be found in the GoLang date format source code file.

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