You can use the following functions on the right side of the expressions in Pre Mappings / Post Mappings.
See Functions for a detailed explanation of each function.


Len Contains RuneCount HasPrefix HasSuffix Index Join LastIndex Repeat Replace Split ToLower ToUpper Trim TrimLeft TrimRight TrimPrefix TrimSuffix

Type conversion

ToBool ToInt ToFloat ToString ToDate ToBinary ToJSON


URLPathEscape URLPathUnescape URLQueryEscape URLQueryUnescape MD5 SHA1 SHA256 BASE64 DecodeBASE64 BASE64URL DecodeBASE64URL

Date Time

Now Year Month Day Hour Minute Second Weekday ToLocal ToUTC ToTimezone DateFormat DateParse

Environment Variable


Regular Expression

RegExpMatch RegExpFind RegExpFindSubmatch RegExpFindAll RegExpReplace UUID


An example usage of the Now function looks like this:

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