The Google Drive List component allows you to retrieve a list of files from Google Drive.

Output Payload Description
cv.Payload Outputs the file list

Example of the output Payload for Google Drive List

  "Filename": "test.txt",
  "ID": "17CMCa4dsNDD6U0duQEBhVI7QZzXqIPYL",
  "IsDir": false,
  "MimeType": "text/plain",
  "ModifiedTime": "2023-09-28T10:33:46.189Z",
  "ParentFolderID": "1-KTO7YslI4iFD-7sxn7CKDNs-UkKMtf8",
  "Path": "a/b/test.txt",
  "Size": 8

Note: In Google Drive, the “Size” will be 0 for directories.

Component Properties

Property Name Description
Drive Folder Path Specify the Drive folder path for download
Search Target Specify the file name to search
Search Type Method of search when searching the ‘Search Target’, either exact or partial match for the file name
Include Files Include files in the search results
Include Directories Include directories in the search results
Sort Order Specify the output order of search results, such as file name (ascending), file name (descending), modified time (ascending), modified time (descending), file size (ascending), file size (descending)
Files Added or Changed Today Specify files that were added or updated on the day of execution
Retrieve Files Changed After This Time Download files changed after the specified time
Retrieve Files Changed Before This Time Download files changed before the specified time
Timeout HTTP request response timeout value
Time Zone Specify the time zone for the time used in ‘Files Added or Changed Today’
OAuth2 Client ID Specify the Client ID for API 2.0 from GCP ※1
OAuth2 Client Secret Specify the Client Secret from GCP ※1
OAuth2 Redirect URL Specify the Redirect URL from GCP ※1
OAuth2 Access Token Obtain the token by pressing the ‘Get Token’ button. You can also update the token by pressing the ‘Update Token’ button ※1 ※2

※1 For an example of OAuth2 settings in GCP, refer to here

How to obtain the OAuth2 Access Token is detailed here

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