The Google Drive Upload component allows you to upload files to Google Drive.

Transfer result data processed by Gravio to Google Drive

Upload and save device data to Google Drive as log data on a regular basis. This is for example useful to regularly upload CSV, Excel files, and image data acquired from cameras etc.

Output Payload Description
cv.Payload output payload of the previous component as is. (pass-through)

Component Property

Property Name Description
Input payload or filename
filename File name to be sent if “Input Properties” is a file name.
Content-Type Content-Type of HTTP header
Designation Method Folder path or folder ID
Drive folder path Google Drive destination folder name
FileID Google Drive destination folder ID
timeout HTTP request response timeout value
OAuth2 Client ID Client ID of API 2.0 from GCP ※1
OAuth2 Client Secret Specify Client Secret from GCP ※1
OAuth2 Redirect URL Specify Redirect URL from GCP ※1
OAuth2 Access Token Press the Get Token button to get the token. You can also update the token by pressing the Update button ※1 ※2

See here for an example of OAuth2 configuration in GCP.

Component Variables

Component Variables Description
cv. ContentType Content-Type of HTTP header
cv. FileID File ID
cv. FolderID Folder ID
cv. DriveFilename Google Drive destination filename

How to get OAuth2 Access Token

Go to the settings and open the Base Property Profiles view, add your Google Authentication.

Once you have inserted your Client ID and and Secret, you can click on the “Obtain” button to retrieve your token using your web browser.

OAuth2 access token button to display the Get OAuth 2.0 access token panel. Press the Open Browser button to obtain the token. Once the token is obtained, press the Set button to automatically set it to the OAuth2 access token property.

Follow the steps on your browser, and return to Gravio Studio to set the authentication.

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