Receive and output GPS data from GPS devices.

Output Payload Description
cv.Payload The following data will be output
Data Description
Course Azimuth of the device’s movement (number from 0 degrees north to 359.9 degrees clockwise) if the value is -1, the azimuth is invalid
SpeedKm Device’s movement speed (km/h)
SpeedKn device’s movement speed in knots (km/h)
LatitudeDeg latitude (DEG format)
LongitudeDeg Longitude (DEG format)
LatitudeDeg Latitude (DEG format)
LongitudeDir Longitude (DEGM format)
LatitudeDir Latitude direction (N or S)
LongitudeDir Azimuth in longitude (E or W)

Component Properties

Property Name Description
RMC or GGA Selects whether to output data in RMC or GGA format
GSA Specify whether to include GSA in the output data
Device ID GPS device ID, If nothing is set, data output from all GPS devices is executed.

*When RMC is specified, use GPS devices that output RMC sentences.

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