i-PRO is a surveillance camera sold by i-PRO Corporation , which is part of Panasonic. Gravio coordinates with i-PRO and receives data recognized by AI.
Setting up i-PRO
1. In ‘Devices’, select the type of i-PRO (DataKind) and add a new area and layer.
i-PRO chooses from AI crowd detection facial recognition, AI motion detection, and general purpose for the format of the data it receives.
2. Press the following button to display the i-PRO settings screen.
3. Enter the name of the i-PRO camera and the Mac address, and press the add button. The URL of the HubKit to register with i-PRO is copied to the clipboard and registered with i-PRO.
For the registration method, please refer to How to set up i-PRO camera.
4. Click the + button to display the binding settings screen.
5. Bind the set i-PRO camera to the layer.
6. Finally, turn ON sensor acquisition.
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