To use the LINE WORKS component, the LINE WORKS administrator must perform initial Bot settings.

LINE WORKS Developers

1. Creating a LINE WORKS Developers Account

Create an account from here and set up a Bot for LINE WORKS.

2. Creating an App

The LINE WORKS2 component uses API 2.0, so create a new app from the API 2.0 menu.

When you create an app, Client ID and Client Secret will be generated. Use these in the LINE WORKS2 component properties. For the Redirect URL, please specify “”. This will also be used in the LINE WORKS2 component properties.

For OAuth Scopes, press the manage button and select ‘bot’ from the list.

3. Creating a Bot

Press the Bot registration button from the Bot menu.

Enter the Bot name and description. Select API 2.0 for the API Interface. For the Bot policy, check ‘Can be invited to multi-user chat rooms’ and set the main administrator. After registration is complete, the Bot No: will be displayed. Use this in the LINE WORKS2 component properties.


1. Logging in to the LINE WORKS Management Screen

Administrators log in from here to display the LINE WORKS management screen.

2. Bot Settings

Select ‘Bot’ from the service menu and press the ‘Add Bot’ button.

When you re-display the Bot screen, the added Bot will be displayed.

3. Adding a Bot to the Chat Room

If you want to use the Bot within a chat room, create a new chat room or add it to an existing chat room.

4. Confirming the Chat Room ID

Even if you create a chat room using the LINE WORKS app or website, the chat room ID is not displayed. Therefore, have a member send a message in the chat room where the Bot will be used.

After a while, select ‘Talk’ from the audit menu and search. The chat room ID will be displayed. Use this in the LINE WORKS2 component properties.

With this, the preliminary preparation is complete.

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