The Split component is a component that splits the input Payload by line feed if it is a string, or by element if it is a JSON array, and passes it to the next component.

The Split component provides the ability to filter whether the output data after the split is passed to the next component or not.
The conditions can be entered as expressions.
The following two variables are available in this component’s expression. Note, since they are locally used variables, we do not require the cv. prefix.

Variable name Meaning of the variable
Value The actual data value after the splitting process
Index Indicates the index of the element in case there were multiple elements
Conditional Example Formula
Pass only elements that begin with abc to the next component Value =~ "^abc"
Pass only the even-numbered elements. Index % 2 == 0


Expr Required Expr
Encoding Required Encoding


If the incoming cv.Payload is ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"], the Split component will split it into 5 payloads each submitted to the next component if the expression is true for all of them. In the above case, the Value is a for Index 0 and the Value is b for Index 1.

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