This component allows you to take a vide from a connected camera for further processing.

View the device list in advance and remember the Physical Device ID of the connected camera you like to control. You will need it in the component.

Output payload Description
cv.Payload Outputs the file name of the saved file in an array.

Component Properties

Property Name Description
Physical Device ID Specify the Physical Device ID (see above) of the camera connected to the device list.
Video Length (seconds) Specify the video recording time to be saved when the component is executed (in seconds).
Interval (seconds) Specify the interval at which to save photos.
Destination folder Specify a subfolder of actmgr/data as the destination folder for saving files. Videos will be saved to this subfolder.
Automatic naming Automatically generate file names.
File name Specify the file name if you do not want to use the automatic naming property.

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