The File List Action Component is to get a list of files that match the pattern.

Output payload Description
cv.Payload Outputs the contents of the read directory as individual JSON objects.

The contents of the directory will have the following data:

For example the pattern "icons/*" might return something like this for each file:

{"IsDir":false,"ModTime":"2021-08-10T13:18:29.2577374+09:00","Name":"arrow_down.bmp","Path":"icons/arrow_down.bmp","" Size ":824}

Data Description
IsDir true for directories, false for files
ModTime Modification Date and Time
Name File name
Path File path
Size File size

Component Properties

Name Description
Pattern The conditional expression to list files, e.g. icons/*. Note these folders are relative to actmgr/data
IncFILE Specify whether to include files or not
IncDIR Specify whether to include directories or not

The pattern without a file path refers to the actmgr/data folder, so all paths need to be relative to that folder. You can find more details about the paths on different operating systems here.

Note: The payload will contain the metadata for one file returned by the list each. If you follow the File List component with the Join component, you’ll get a payload with every file metadata joined together. In this case, you will get:


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