Initial settings
After installing IVAR, use Chrome to open the following address:
Note: It is assumed that you will operate Chrome on the same PC where IVAR is being installed.
When operating on a different PC, change “localhost” according to the server’s IP address.
Note: A warning is displayed first because you are using a self-signed certificate with https.
If you see this warning, press the Advanced button to access the localhost (insecure) link.
Register the IVAR Administrator password and press the Create button.
License registration
Then enter the obtained IVAR license key and press the Activate button to activate the license.
Your PC must be connected to the internet to authenticate.
When authentication is complete, click the Save and Next button.
Next, the screen for registering Server Information appears. Adjust the settings to your requirements and press the Save and Next button.
Note: You can also register the information on the settings screen after installation.
Then the storage registration screen appears. Specify the drive to save the video data. When this setting is completed, press the Save button.
This concludes the initial settings process and opens the channel screen.
License check
To see your registered license, open About from the System menu.
The license registered in License is displayed.
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