Open the Configuration Manager using a browser. You will reach the Configuration Manager by entering the URL http://<IP of your HubKit>:8080 . Note, if you are connecting to your HubKit via the Access Point Mode, the address will be

In the browser, enter “.local:8080” configured in the previous chapter.

After logging in, the Gravio Hub Settings screen will open and the initial menu will open.

Deploying your License

You must first obtain a license to use Gravio. This applies also if you are using the free Gravio version.

Install the license associated with the Gravio user into HubKit.

Click the “Obtain License” button to open the connection information panel to and enter your Gravio username and password under which you have registered your online account.

After you have entered your username and password, you will be authenticated and your associated licenses will be displayed. Select the license you like to install on the device you are currently logged in. The license file will be installed onto your device over the internet.

Apart from the different service levels are two types of licenses. “Main Licenses” including the Gravio Coordinator, and “Node Licenses” for HubKits.

The acquired license will be displayed. Select Release License to release it. You might like to do that to install the license on a different device.

Register your Gravio HubKit Node with the Coordinator

If you have a Gravio coordinator, you can register your HubKit on the Coordinator by entering the server address of the Coordinator and clicking the Register button.

To complete the registration of HubKit in the Coordinator, approval by the Coordinator is required.

Initialization of the Coordinator

Upon the first launch, you have to create your Gravio Coordinator account. This will be used to manage all your HubKits.

Enter the account information and press the Create Admin Account button to create the Coordinator account.

You can use this account to log in to the Coordinator. Please keep this information safe.

To initialize the created account, press the Reset button.

A confirmation panel will appear so you can confirm and initialize.

Change Password for the Gravio Configuration Manager

This is used to change the configuration manager password. The change will be effective from the next login.

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