Sensor Collection Method Collection Frequency Configuration Method
Climate Sensor Event-driven Sends once per hour. If the temperature changes by 0.5°C, humidity by 6%, or pressure by 25Pa=0.25hPa, it sends immediately. Cannot be configured externally
Motion Sensor Triggered by movement within sensor range Triggered by movement. Then it enters sleep mode. It can be triggered again one minute later. Cannot be configured externally
Vibration Sensor Event-driven The vibration sensor can detect vibration, tilt, and falls. If triggered, it will not trigger again for the next minute. If the vibration continues, it will trigger again after one minute. Cannot be configured externally
CO2 Sensor At regular intervals Every 10 seconds Can be set to more than 10 seconds in component properties
Distance Sensor At regular intervals Every 10 seconds Can be set to more than 10 seconds in component properties

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