Sideloading procedures for Gravio Studio for Windows

Sideloading is the process of installing an application from an installer file rather than from the App Store. In some cases, for example in a corporate environment, the App store may not be available. Or a computer may not be connected to the internet. In this case, you can install Gravio Studio via side-loading. Please note, that side-loading does not support in-app purchases.

1. Download the and extract Sideloading Pack

Download the ZIP file from the website

Ensure that you always download from the domain.

2. Installing the Certificate

The pack contains 2 files: the installer file and the certificate.

Click on the certificate first to launch the certificate installation process.

and install on your local machine:

After clicking “Next” you will see a confirmation screen, click “Yes” to confirm that you want to go ahead with the installation, then you will see the Certificate Import Wizard. Here please select to manually choose the store:

And click on the “Browse” button. In the popup that opens, please select the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” option:

After this, click the “Next” button to proceed:

On the next screen, confirm the options you have chosen and click on “Finish”:

This concludes the installation of the certificate.

3. Installing the Application

Now, please ensure that you have Windows 10 version 1904 or later, and then double click on the installation package to launch the installation:

The following confirmation window will open. Click on the “Install” button and follow the steps install Gravio Studio:

If you encounter any problems, please join our Slack Channel and ask for help: Gravio World Wide Community

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