The following functions are available.

Function Name Arguments Description Example
RegExpMatch RegExpMatch(re, s) Returns a Bool to see if the regular expressions re and s match RegexMatch(“G.*o”, “Gravio HubKit”) -> true
RegExpFind RegExpFind(re, s) Returns the first string that matches the regular expressions re and s RegexFind(“i.”, “Gravio HubKit”) -> “io”
RegExpFindSubmatch RegExpFindSubmatch(re, s) If the first string and parenthesized subexpressions of the regular expressions re and s match, return an array RegexFindSubmatch(“(G.*o) (H.*t)”, “Gravio HubKit”) -> [“Gravio HubKit”, “Gravio”, “HubKit”]
RegExpFindAll RegExpFindAll(re, s[, n]) Returns an array of all strings where the regular expressions re and s match RegexFindAll(“i.”, “Gravio HubKit”) -> [“io”, “it”]
RegExpReplace RegExpReplace(re, s, repl) Returns a string with the regular expressions re and s replaced by a matched repl. repl can use subexpressions such as $1.
UUID UUID Returns a UUID string, where sep is a separator (empty string by default)

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