The Template component is a component that generates a string (text) from a specified template using placeholders.

The template syntax is a GoLang standard described on .
tp. / tv. / ap. / av. / cp. / cv. are all referable to the template, so if these variables are referenced in the template, they will be replaced by their values.


Template Description
{{.cv.Payload.LastName}} {{.cv.Payload.FirstName}} Each variable’s value replaces the double-curly-braced content containing a variable prefixed with a .
Output Payload Description
cv.Payload Template string generated by the contents of a template string with variable parts replaced by variable values (text)

Tip: If you write data into an av. variable (Action Variable) it will be available throughout the lifetime of the action also in other components.

Component Properties

Name Description
Syntax Specify text or HTML. The value of cp.Syntax can be either “text” or “html”.
Template A string containing the variables to be replaced

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