Upgrading HubKit on Gravio Hub 2

Please upgrade HubKit following the steps below. If the upgrade is successfully completed, you will not use the backed-up data.

1. Log into Configuration Manager

When the Configuration Manager is updated to the latest version with the automatic update at 2 am local time, the Upgrade to Gravio Version 5 button is displayed on the Gravio settings tab, so please check.

2. Backup from HubKit / Coordinator Data Backup

Please back up your HubKit data.

3. Upgrade to Gravio Version 5

Please press the Upgrade to Gravio Version 5 button. After the confirmation dialog is displayed, it will automatically restart.
After rebooting, the Update Manager will be displayed as the Configuration Manager.

Please refer to here as the initial setup of Gravio will be done from the Gravio Configuration Manager.

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